Does a strawberry make flowers, runners or nothing at all. A discussion in strawberry growing for more then a century.
Sometimes we see plants from the same propagator, the same variety behaving totally different. What happened here.
Something that might help is the vegetave – generative balance. This is not a black with issue, but with lots of levels and quite a lot of factors influencing the balance.
A variety can produce lots of runners, whereas on the same location but in another way of growing it might produce lots of flowers.
Daylenght is the basic factor that determines whether it produces flowers or runners.
– SD – short day varieties normally induce flowers under short day circumstances
– DN – day neutral varieties normally induce flowers under long day circumstances
When a day is long or short, depends on the genetics. But there are factors that influence these.
You can find something more about these factors in the withgoing presentation about vegetative / generative balance. Through several actions you can influence that till a certain leven, the vegetative / generative balance.